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SHORTSTOPP® 300D Full Encirclement 3-WAY™ Tee Fitting

Equipment Type

Pressure/ANSI Class


A low-pressure fitting, the SHORTSTOPP® 300D Full Encirclement 3-WAY™ Tee is used with TDW plugging machines to install permanent bypasses.
- 2-inch through 12-inch
- Pipe type: Steel
- ANSI flange class 300
- ASME design code B31.4, B31.8
- Maximum allowable operating pressure: 51 bar (740 psi) at 38°C (100°F)
- Maximum operating pressure: 82°C (180°F) at 47 bar (675 psi)
- Fitting type: Three-way tee
Key Features
- Extruded design type
- Fittings 4-inch and larger are furnished with a flange machined to accept 300D Completion Plugs. The flange is also machined to accept the TDW SHORTPLUG™ with guide bars
- Fittings undergo radiographic weld inspection in accordance with API Standard 1104
- Fittings are stamped with a code number for material identification and a painted band to ensure easy alignment in the field
Common Applications
- Installing permanent bypasses without pipeline shutdown

A low-pressure fitting, the SHORTSTOPP® 300D Full Encirclement 3-WAY™ Tee is used with TDW plugging machines to install permanent bypasses.
Equipment Type

Pressure/ANSI Class


- 2-inch through 12-inch
- Pipe type: Steel
- ANSI flange class 300
- ASME design code B31.4, B31.8
- Maximum allowable operating pressure: 51 bar (740 psi) at 38°C (100°F)
- Maximum operating pressure: 82°C (180°F) at 47 bar (675 psi)
- Fitting type: Three-way tee
Key Features
- Extruded design type
- Fittings 4-inch and larger are furnished with a flange machined to accept 300D Completion Plugs. The flange is also machined to accept the TDW SHORTPLUG™ with guide bars
- Fittings undergo radiographic weld inspection in accordance with API Standard 1104
- Fittings are stamped with a code number for material identification and a painted band to ensure easy alignment in the field
Common Applications
- Installing permanent bypasses without pipeline shutdown