Product part numbers may have changed. Please contact your local TDW representative to verify.

Equipment Type

Pressure/ANSI Class


Designed for use with TDW SHORTSTOPP® Plugging Machines, low-pressure SHORTSTOPP® Weld Fittings can be used for a wide range of hot tapping and plugging operations without temporary bypass or shutdown.
- 1¼-inch through 12-inch
- Pipe type: Steel
- ANSI flange class 150
- ASME design code B31.4, B31.8
- Maximum operating pressure: 20 bar (285 psi) at 38°C (100°F) or 17 bar (245 psi) at 82°C (180°F)
- Fitting type: Welded
Key Features
- 2-inch purge and equalization fittings available
- 4-inch through 12-inch SHORSTOPP® Weld Fittings can be used with TDW SHORTCUTT® valves and SHORTSTOPP® plugging machines
- Can be delivered with Guide Bar plug or with standard SHORTPLUG™ completion plug
Common Applications
- Relocating mains
- Making lateral connections, crossovers, tie-ins and extensions
- Purging and equalization

Designed for use with TDW SHORTSTOPP® Plugging Machines, low-pressure SHORTSTOPP® Weld Fittings can be used for a wide range of hot tapping and plugging operations without temporary bypass or shutdown.
Equipment Type

Pressure/ANSI Class


- 1¼-inch through 12-inch
- Pipe type: Steel
- ANSI flange class 150
- ASME design code B31.4, B31.8
- Maximum operating pressure: 20 bar (285 psi) at 38°C (100°F) or 17 bar (245 psi) at 82°C (180°F)
- Fitting type: Welded
Key Features
- 2-inch purge and equalization fittings available
- 4-inch through 12-inch SHORSTOPP® Weld Fittings can be used with TDW SHORTCUTT® valves and SHORTSTOPP® plugging machines
- Can be delivered with Guide Bar plug or with standard SHORTPLUG™ completion plug
Common Applications
- Relocating mains
- Making lateral connections, crossovers, tie-ins and extensions
- Purging and equalization