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SHORTSTOPP® Bolt-On Fitting

Equipment Type

Pressure/ANSI Class


Highly versatile SHORTSTOPP® Bolt-On Fittings are compatible with a wide range of pipe materials including pipe steel, ductile iron and cast iron.
- 2-inch through 12-inch
- Pipe type: Steel
- ANSI class 150
- ASME design code B31.8
- Maximum operating pressure: 4 bar (58 psi) at 51°C (150°F)
- Fitting type: Split tee
Key Features
- Fittings have a broad range of nominal pipe sizes and can allow for broad variances in actual outside diameters of pipe
- 2-inch and 3-inch sizes have threaded equipment connections and are made of ASTM A-106 Grade B steel
- 4-inch through 12-inch versions use a flange adapter and can be made of ASTM A-105 if required
- 4-inch through 12-inch versions can accommodate TDW SHORTCUTT® valves
- Can be supplied in a top seal or circumferential end seal design for the fitting-to-main attachment
Common Applications
- Performing tie-ins, lateral connections, extensions, crossovers, repairs and main relocations without pipeline shutdown

Highly versatile SHORTSTOPP® Bolt-On Fittings are compatible with a wide range of pipe materials including pipe steel, ductile iron and cast iron.
Equipment Type

Pressure/ANSI Class


- 2-inch through 12-inch
- Pipe type: Steel
- ANSI class 150
- ASME design code B31.8
- Maximum operating pressure: 4 bar (58 psi) at 51°C (150°F)
- Fitting type: Split tee
Key Features
- Fittings have a broad range of nominal pipe sizes and can allow for broad variances in actual outside diameters of pipe
- 2-inch and 3-inch sizes have threaded equipment connections and are made of ASTM A-106 Grade B steel
- 4-inch through 12-inch versions use a flange adapter and can be made of ASTM A-105 if required
- 4-inch through 12-inch versions can accommodate TDW SHORTCUTT® valves
- Can be supplied in a top seal or circumferential end seal design for the fitting-to-main attachment
Common Applications
- Performing tie-ins, lateral connections, extensions, crossovers, repairs and main relocations without pipeline shutdown