

Differential Diagnostics Episode 4

The MDS™ (Multiple Datasets) platform overcomes limits of single inspection tools. See how deformation, magnetic flux leakage and more work together to help prioritize remediation.


The pipeline industry is constantly innovating, moving from good, to better, to best. That includes developing and refining technologies and advanced analysis techniques to assess one of the most significant challenges to pipeline integrity: Mechanical damage. To overcome the limitations of running individual inspection technologies to detect threats, global pipeline service provider T.D. Williamson developed the Multiple Dataset Platform or MDS.

Let's look at the technologies included in the MDS platform. Deformation Technology detects the most minut board changes and reductions including dents. Low Field Magnetic Flux Leakage identifies permeability changes related to hard spots and pipe manufacturing impacts, for example, as well as residual stresses associated with dent re-rounding. High Resolution Magnetic Flux Leakage locates volumetric metal loss including within a dent region. SpirALL MFL detects axially-oriented crack like features such as hook cracks and lack of fusion for seam assessments. For mechanical damage assessment, this technology is used to identify axially-oriented gouging within a dent. And XYZ Mapping provides coordinates for all reported features, as well as accuracy needed for bending strain analysis. MDS harnesses the capabilities of each, making it possible for the platform to provide a comprehensive assessment of the pipeline during a single run.

The result of which is not only enhance detection and sizing, but also thorough characterization of pipeline threats. The question is, how can operators use all of the data that MDS Technology provides to determine which defects need immediate attention? Differential diagnostics, the power to know more.