Media Release


T.D. Williamson In-line Inspection Helps Pipeline Operators Address Integrity Geohazard Risks and Comply With Recent PHMSA Advisory Bulletin

(Tulsa, Oklahoma, October 17, 2022) — T.D. Williamson (TDW), the global pipelines solutions provider, is helping operators of gas or hazardous liquids transmission and gathering pipelines meet safety regulations related to geohazards.

Earlier this year, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHSMA) released the updated advisory bulletin “Pipeline Safety: Potential for Damage to Pipeline Facilities Caused by Earth Movement and Other Geological Hazards” that addressed integrity risks related to earth movement and changing weather patterns, and outlined requirements for mitigating those risks.

TDW in-line inspection technology identifies bending strain that arises from ground instability, water course movement/washout, geotechnical impacts and weather events. TDW integrity engineering solutions provide an assessment of pipeline anomalies that include curvature, bending strain and pipeline movement.

“Because assessing bending strain is critical to pipeline safety, T.D. Williamson provides measurement of pipe centerline, using inertial measurement data collected from in-line inspection (ILI) tools,” said Tod Barker, Senior Product Manager.

“After just one high resolution XYZ mapping inspection, we can determine how much bending strain is present,” he added. “After multiple runs, we can measure pipeline movement.”

Line movement assessment is part of the TDW portfolio of advanced integrity engineering capabilities, which also includes immediate integrity assessments, corrosion growth and future integrity assessments.

For more information, visit the ILI XYZ Mapping page on our website.


About T.D. Williamson

T.D. Williamson (TDW) provides pigging, intervention and isolation, and integrity solutions to help operators of pressurized pipeline systems keep the world’s energy lifelines running safely, efficiently and reliably. Since it was established in 1920, the company has continually innovated to help the pipeline industry meet emerging challenges. Today, this includes supporting operator and industry efforts to meet net-zero goals and move toward a more sustainable future. TDW is headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and has more than 35 global locations. In addition, channel partners across Europe, Asia and the Middle East expand representation worldwide. 

For further information or imagery, contact:

Corporate Communications

T.D. Williamson, Inc.

6120 South Yale, Suite 1700

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136

United States of America

Phone: 918-447-5000
