Media Release


T.D. Williamson Enhances Innovative Gouge versus Metal Loss (GvML) Classifier

For the first time, the industry can size gouges and metal loss within dents.

Tulsa, Oklahoma, April 14, 2021 – T.D. Williamson (TDW), the global pipeline solutions provider, has enhanced their multiple dataset gouge versus metal loss (GvML) classifier, resulting in the industry’s first published performance specification for gouge identification and depth sizing within a dent. The MDS™ (Multiple Datasets) platform offers comprehensive mechanical damage assessment by leveraging multiple technologies on a single inspection platform, where data is easily correlated to identify coincident threats.

The new classifier identifies gouges in natural gas and hazardous liquids pipelines with greater confidence, and provides depth sizing of gouge and corrosion features using field-validated tolerances. 

No other technology can provide this level of detection, identification or sizing of gouges associated with mechanical damage, one of the leading causes of catastrophic pipeline failures worldwide.

Matt Romney, senior product manager, pipeline integrity, will discuss the new GvML classifier and sizer at two industry events:  API 2021 Pipeline, Control Room and Cybernetics Conference, and World Pipeline Integrity 2021 Romney, who has more than seven years’ experience designing in-line inspection (ILI) tools, will describe how the GvML algorithm improves pipeline integrity, the research behind its development and how it was validated.  


About T.D. Williamson

T.D. Williamson draws upon more than 100 years of industry leadership to help operators of pressurized pipeline systems keep the world’s energy lifelines running safely and reliably. TDW delivers a comprehensive portfolio of safe integrity pipeline system solutions for onshore and offshore applications, including advanced isolation and intervention, integrated pigging and integrity assessment solutions.